I've been having the feeling lately that Nike as a brand has been running out of ideas. When I started collecting sneakers for real back in 2001, every other month a shoe would come out that would make me think "I gotta have those!" I tried to pace myself to one pair per month, but I remember a few months when it got really out of hand. I would blow what little money I had from working my part time job (and eventually even start to rack up credit card debt) just to satisfy my fix.
I don't spend much on shoes anymore, but I'm not entirely sure it's because I've gotten tired of them. I love sneakers. I walk into stores on Haight looking for something clean, new and exclusive to catch my eye -nothing does. I stroll the mall stores like Sheikh and Shoe Palace hoping a bright, fresh pair would call my name -I walk away empty handed.
I want to want to buy a pair of new sneakers... I just don't want any of the ones that are out right now. I thought this phase wouldn't last long, but it's been several years and I don't remember the last time I bought a new pair of shoes from a store. Sure, I've gone on eBay and forums and picked up brand new OLD pairs that I've missed along the way, but a NEW new release hasn't been added to the family for a while.
And I really think it's because everything that's coming out, I either already have something similar, already have the original or just have a better version. I'm sure I'm not alone here, as anyone who's been collecting for a while knows -you can't have too many shoes, but you don't want too much of the same.
When I first started collecting, I started on two sneakers -Air Maxes and Jordans. Air Max runners came out with the cool colorways and were always comfortable. And even if you didn't play basketball growing up, you were cool if you had a pair of Jordans on. Anyone who's been collecting for a while knows -there's no stronger foundation for a sneaker collection than Air Maxes and Jordans.
My favorite Air Max of all time is the Air Max '87 aka the Air Max 1.

The clean lines and single air bubble exhibit the elegance of simplicity and the mesh and nubuck upper accentuates both form and function. Plus, doesn't it just scream "I'm an 80's baby!"? Back in elementary school, my aunt gave me a pair of her old Air Max Ones (I wish I knew where they were). I remember the first time I wore them was "Field Day" and I swear, even though they were at least a full size too big, I was flying in those shoes.
One of the all time classic Jordans is the Jordan XI.

Now, that is a beautiful shoe. There isn't any way around it. It's smooth, it's shiny, it's clean, not to mention one of the more iconic Jordans in history (see: Space Jam). The use of ballistic mesh and patent leather on a basketball shoe was groundbreaking when it released and to this day the Jordan XI remains as one of the most loved Jordans of all time. I used to wear my lucky Jordans during midterms and finals in school. Wore them to prom. Will probably wear them at my wedding too. I even have a pair of baby size 1's for my future son (or daughter) The White/Columbia Blue colorway is very gender friendly. But I digress...
You can't go wrong with either of those shoes. But Nike/Jordan has proved that it's possible to go wrong with BOTH of them.

I really don't know what to say. I mean, part of me really wants to like it. I can see the Jordan XI in the shoe and I think "nice". Then I see the Air Max 1 part of the shoe and I think "nice". Then I take a step back and look at the shoe as a whole and think "huh?" My friends were having a conversation over the weekend about two really good looking people having a baby that just turns out funny looking. I guess that can happen in the shoe universe too.
It might just be a case of "you have to see the shoe in person" or "it looks better when you're wearing it than it does on the shelf" but those scenarios are extremely rare in my experience. I guess we'll see how well they do when they release this weekend. Having a limited drop might help a bit, but I won't be surprised if I see these bad boys in the outlets by next spring. Maybe then I might be convinced to pick 'em up? Maybe.
So a Jordan XI and an Air Max 1 walk into a bar... I guess the result is a joke. And not a very good one at that.
(Photo Credits: Flight Club, Jumpan23.com)
{currently in the speakers: Lexicon - Nike Head =) }
oh man i hope that's a nasty joke...